January 6, 2012

Bringing Up Children

Raising a child is the hardest, most responsible and satisfying task a parent can face. A child is an individual entity, who is young, innocent, energetic, experimentative and still learning. Therefore, we need to create a suitable environment for the child that is full of love, respect, knowledge and values so that the child grows according to his/her capabilities.

1. Your children need to be your number one priority. You should express their unconditional love for your children, as well as provide them with the continued support they need to become self assured and happy.

2.  It is crucial for you to pay attention and interest when your kids are talking. Is there any better way to show you care than by simply remaining silent while you listen to what your children are telling you? Perhaps they want to lament about their day or just complain about the way their friends have treated them. Encourage them to relay what’s on their minds or ask their questions. If you're dismissive, or always say you're too busy, they may express frustration and stop wanting to share their thoughts and feelings.

3. Ask yourself, “What Do I Want My Child To Learn?”: Your role as a parent is very similar to the role of a teacher.  When dealing with your child’s difficult behavior, it is important to think about what you want to teach your child whenever you want to get a message across to them.  For instance, if they are struggling with getting their homework in on time, teaching them organizational skills or time management skills would be helpful.

4. In many households nowadays, parents have to go to work, which limits the time they have to spend with their children. Find time and ways to get together and talk. Mealtimes provide a perfect opportunity to chat about the events of the day especially in school. Reserve your weekends to spend time with your kids in outdoor activities. It's encourageable to do variety of fun things together, such as playing games, swimming or going to the movies or concerts with your kids.

5.  From a very early stage, children should be prepared to face the situations that they will have to face in today's world. They should be taught values through questioning, role plays, critically analysing the paths to be taken and predicting outcomes. Offering explanations will help children work matters out for themselves. Take time to point out how things are connected, for example, in terms of cause and effect.

6. If the family has a problem that concerns your children, involve them in the discussion. Try to find possible solutions together with him or her. When discussing options, also talk about consequences. The possible outcome will influence your final decision. Be open to the kids' suggestions. Let them take part in the negotiations and the decision. Children who experience this kind of communication will become confident and learn the rules of good communication.

7. When your children does something good, praise, kiss, and reward them so they will feel happy. When they commit an offence never scold them in public, instead advise them in private and explain the consequences and what other would think of them.

8. Inculcate the habit of humility in them. Their manner of speaking, walking, conversing, etc. should be such that they do not become boastful. They should be taught humility to such an extent that they should not even sit with their classmates and boast about their clothes, house, family, richness etc.

9. Give your child opportunities also to do things for other members of the family. Let them be of help and feel confident of their abilities and pride in themselves. Don’t forget that they like attention. Consequently, many young children lack the experience that makes them competent and confident. They end up feeling helpless.

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